I help you know what to say and how to say it.

Play is the most powerful tool for living a life of purpose. I bring play around the world to leaders, visionaries, and change agents to help them rediscover their essential voice.

Play is what unlocks our full potential.

From my work with nonprofits and foundations in Brazil, to training senior finance professionals in the UK, to working with global women’s groups of multinational organizations, one thing remains true: Play is what unlocks our full potential.

In my well over 10,000 hours of coaching and training over 2,500 people over the course of nearly two decades and three continents, I have seen the essential power of play as the access point for bringing us back to life and seizing our experience with ease and deep intention.  

Play is serious business. Play is listening and responding. It is strategic decision making, creative problem solving, adaptability, agility, risk taking, collaboration, imagination. Play is hypothesis in action. The power of play is innate to us and will serve as our greatest asset to creating the impact we seek to have in this one life we are conscious to.

Let’s Play!

Here’s a mental agility game to get your brain moving and exercise your imagination! 

Care Deeply -

Don't give a shit -

Care Deeply - Don't give a shit -

What you say matters. How you say it matters more.

These are just a few insights into the wisdom held within The Confident Body: a functional approach to unlocking your full potential, where Minna seeks to redefine confidence not as some subjective designation based on an idea of what confidence looks like, but rather as a perception based on a set of behaviors that we can all practice and embody. She promotes that confidence is available to everyone and everyone is capable of living in a confident body.

Play is at the heart of this practical approach for transformation, learning to do less and say yes to your life. Author Minna Taylor is on a mission to change that narrative and prove that fostering confidence is attainable for anyone who dares to unlock it.

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“Minna delivered an engaging and fun presentation. In just a few hours she was able to give my team tools to progress their skills and boost their confidence.”


“We brought Minna in to lead our group for training and she helped bring people out of their shells, showing them how to present in a sales environment. Minna’s ability to open up this group of closed-off individuals was remarkable, and she did it with great energy and enthusiasm.”


“I feel I can speak up more and use my tone to my advantage.”


“The team went through the remainder of the experience feeling open. My main takeaway was mindfulness, especially with breathing. I also was able to listen and understand what we needed to do to move forward and am proud to say we met our objective for the offsite ---establishing a "Way of Working" framework to operationalize cross-team collaboration”

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